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Current Q-MIG Personnel

Jeffrey Duryea, PhD – Director
Stacy Smith, MD – Clinical Co-director
Quinley Miao, BA
Immanuel Onuoha, BA

Radiology Department Collaborators

Bruno Madore, PhD
Jeremy Wortman, MD
Violeta Nikac, MD

Brigham and Women’s Hospital Collaborators (outside of the Radiology Department)

Jeffrey Katz, MD (Orthopedics)
Julia Charles, MD (Medicine, Rhematology)
Daniel Solomon, MD (Medicine, Rhematology)

Collaborators Outside Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Chrisopher Evans, PhD (Mayo Clinic)
Timothy McAlindon, MD, Jeffrey Driban, PhD (Tufts University Medical School)
Charles Eaton, MD (Brown Universty)
Kent Kwoh, MD (University of Arizona)
Michael Nevitt, PhD (U.C. San Francisco)
Tuhina Neogi, MD Ali Guermazi, MD (Boston University Medical School)
Matthew Harris, PhD (Children’s Hospital)
Martin Englund, MD PhD (Lund University, Sweeden)
Joanne Jordan, MD, Amanda Nelson, MD (University of North Carolina)

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